Material testing solutions and Portable Pull Testers

"How much will that rubber band stretch?"

LabroTek Ltd offer solutions for materials mechanical testing.

Our mechanical testing equipment is manufacturers are Hydrajaws   WANCE group  and Ibertest

They have been involved in mechanical testing for over 100 years !

We offer full installation and service of mechanical testing equipment in Scandinavia and Baltic regions.

We offer solutions to Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Norway.

With the appropriate combination of testing devices, any type of test can be performed: tensile testing, compression testing, bending testing , folding testing, shear testing etc.

  • Electromechanical
  • Portable version pull testers for testing the critical holding force of anchors, fixings in large range of construction materials
  • Servo-hydraulic
  • Metal testing
  • Wood testing
  • Composites testing
  • Wire and cable testing
  • Pendulum- and drop weight impact testing
  • Impact testing
  • Melt flow indexers
  • Cement testing solutions ( EN 196-1, ASTM C109, ASTM C349 or ISO 679 among others )
  • Compression testing
  • HDT/VICAT testing equipment
  • Hydrostatic pressure testers
  • Mechanical and optical extensometers, please ask more details about solutions !

Which mechanical testing instruments are suited for you?

Our experts will always make sure you get the equipment you need. Still, it’s necessary for you to define the right testing parameters for your mechanical testing.

  • Will you need 50 newtons of force, or 50,000 newtons?
  • What conditions will the testing be performed in? Low temperature? High humidity?
  • Will you need qualified personnel to operate the equipment?
  • Do you need to perform several different tests, or just one type? Some testing equipment can do several types of tests.

Examples for Hydrajaws pull tester for testing etc. anchors, bolts, tapping screws and ring bolts





Important fields of mechanical testing


Computers are unable to predict slight material defects within materials. Thus, computer generated models for predicting fatigue failures in parts under intense cyclic loading are notorious for their inaccuracy.

The purpose of fatigue testing is to determine, with real life applications, the point where cyclic loading will lead to noticeable structural damage and ultimately, structural failure.

The results yield invaluable data, such as:

  • When, at earliest, will fatigue cracks or deformation appear?
  • How long, after cracks become detectable to the human eye, will the crack grow before leading to structural failure?


The purpose of tensile testing is to find out how much force is required to pull an object apart. Ropes, wires and construction beams, among other things, must be intensely studied for tensile strength, as many other valuable material properties can be directly calculated when tensile strength is known. There are two key thresholds in tensile strength:

  • When will a given material in a specific shape (let’s say a beam made of S355 grade structural steel) first start deforming when pulled?
  • When will the object be unable to fully recover from the deformed state?


Material hardness refers to the ability to resist penetration. Tests are carried out with a diamond shaped sharp edge, which is pressed down towards the material surface with certain force. The depth of penetration is then measured, and a hardness value is calculated from the results.

Many surfaces, especially in consumer products, have high requirements for surface hardness for both performance and aesthetic reasons.


Compression testing is the opposite of tensile testing. Pressing on a material yields results on the amount of pressure the material can take before deforming. This method of testing is especially important for relatively long structures under heavy compression. Namely, columns in buildings and other structures. There are several important questions to answer regarding compression:

  • EN 196-1 : Mechanical strength of cement and mortars
  • ASTM C109: Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars Using 2-in. or [50-mm] Cube Specimens
  • ASTM C349: Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Hydraulic-Cement Mortars Using Portions of Prisms Broken in Flexure
  • ISO 679: Cement strength determination
  • EN 12390-3: Compression strength of concrete
  • EN 12390-4: Testing machine specifications for concrete strength determination
  • ISO 4012: Compression strength of concrete
  • ASTM C39: Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens
  • ASTM E9 : Standard Test Methods of Compression Testing of Metallic Materials at Room Temperature
  • ASTM D-695: Standard Test Method for Compressive Properties of Rigid Plastics


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