GBPI and LabroTek Ltd have started cooperation in Finland

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GBPI and LabroTek Ltd have started cooperation in Finland

Published: 11.10.2021

GBPI offer large range of solutions for following applications. They have been developing and manufacturing instrument over 20 years !

Some applications;

Abrasion Resistance Tester, Adhesion Testing, Air Permeability Tester

Compressive Strenght Tester, Compressive Strenght Testing

Evaporation Residue Testing

Flex Durability Testing, Fogging Testing, Friction /COF Testers

Headspace Gas Analysis, Heat Seal Tester, Impact Testers, Leak Testers and Seal Intergrity testing

Oxgyen Permeability Tester, Peel Resistance Tester

Seal Strenght Tester, Shear Strenght Tester, Shrinkage Testers, Tearing Resistance Testing

Tensile Strengt Testers, Thickness Measurement solutions

Water  Vapor Permeability Testers


Ask more details from LabroTek Ltd !

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